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150 Square Metres is now the Minimum Size of New Industrial Properties

150 Square Metres is now the Minimum Size of New Industrial Properties

Government Releases Land Sales Periodically to Meet Industrial Needs

As we know, industrial areas are zoned specifically for industrial usage so as to fulfil the needs and demand of companies with industrial activities that are operating in Singapore.

If we look at the latest Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) 2014 MasterPlan, we will notice that areas zoned for industrial usage are generally light pink for Business 1 (B1) light industrial and dark pink for Business 2 (B2) heavy industrial land by referring to the legend.

You can also access the MasterPlan on URA’s website by going to the section on Land Use Plan ; Master Plans.

The government also periodically releases government land sale (GLS) sites for industrial properties.

New Minimum Size Announced Since 2011

URA had also been studying and working closely with Developers and Qualified Persons (QP) on what kind of unit sizes will meaningfully cater to industrial activities.

On the 29 of December, 2011, the Ministry of Trade & Industry announced that the new minimum size requirements for all industrial units built will be 150 square metres or equivalent to almost 1,614 square feet.

This move will apply to developments built on government land sale (GLS) sites for industrial properties.

Hence, we will no longer see brand new factory or warehouse units with a total floor area of less than 1,614 square feet for newer industrial sites released under the Government Land Sales.

For sites that were released prior to the announcements, we may still be able to find industrial units that have a total area of less than 1,000 square feet although there are not many developments with such small sizes.