If we were to take a closer look at the present MRT Map of Singapore, we will realise that sometimes the travelling time between one station to another can take a little longer than usual. By zooming in further, we will also notice that there are a few numbers that have been skipped on the MRT map for now.
North-South Line (NS 6)
If we look first at the North-South (Red) Line, we will see that there is NS 5 (Yew Tee) & NS 7 (Kranji) but NS 6 has yet to be announced or confirmed.
As we all know, NS 12 which was initially missing from the map, has been confirmed and announced to be Canberra MRT which will be in operation soon.
By referring to the Wikipedia website, we will see that the station code NS 6 in between Yew Tee & Kranji is reserved for a possible future station.
It has also been rumoured to be Sungei Kadut Station but this has not been confirmed or announced yet. It could be a possibility as you will usually past by Sungei Kadut Industrial Estate where the factories and warehouses are located before arriving at Yew Tee (NS 5) or Kranji Station (NS 7).
North-East Line (NE 2)
Next we will look at North-East (Purple) Line, this time we notice that between Harbourfront (NE 1) and (NE 3) there is also a skip in number and the missing station is (NE 2).
NE 2 has been rumoured to be Keppel but if we refer to Wikipedia, it says reserved for future use.
Circle-Line (CC 18)
There are also others like CC 18 which is missing and will be the next Bukit Brown MRT.
Are there Opportunities?
However, what is more interesting is that if we are able to predict or identify where these missing stations will be located, can it be a good thing or even an opportunity?
If we look at the upcoming new Canberra MRT station, there are already 2 brand new Executive Condominiums (ECs) located right next to the new MRT Station which will be completing soon. There are also a few other HDB Build-to-Order (BTOs) flats which will be located next to the Canberra MRT Station (NS 12).
The Jurong Region Line (JRL) has also recently been announced and MasterPlan 2019 is slated to be released soon so you can look out for that one.