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Why Common Parking Lots in Industrial Buildings May Be a Good Thing

Why Common Parking Lots in Industrial Buildings May Be a Good Thing

Pay for Less

Usually, when an industrial building has common parking lots and if the parking lots are not included as part of the total unit size or area, the tenant or owner of the unit may not have to pay for these parking spaces. As the parking lots are not included into the total unit area, overall business costs or overheads can also be lowered.

More Space for Operations

Since these parking lots are common parking spaces and are not considered as part of the total unit floor area, your company will have more space for your business operations and may allocate more space for a larger production, storage or ancillary office space.

Units with Exclusive Parking Lots

You may sometimes also notice certain industrial spaces with exclusive parking lots which are considered as part of the total unit size or area. These may sometimes be good for certain companies or businesses as some companies may have many vehicles and may require exclusive parking lots directly in front of the unit for convenience or for easy loading and unloading due to frequent vehicle movement.

Hence, depending on your nature of business and company operations, common parking lots may or may not be a good thing. Various companies have various ways of operating and hence would have differing requirements in terms of industrial spaces.