Whenever u decide to move to a new industrial space such as a new warehouse or factory due to relocation or business expansion, reinstatement is usually necessary as the next tenant may not require the same type of renovation and may have different preference in terms of design and set up for the premises. Some may prefer a better corporate image while some may prefer just a simple set up.
Reinstatement Takes Time
While it may seem tempting to wait till the last minute to make the necessary arrangements to reinstate the premises to original condition, it may not be the best idea as the whole reinstatement process may take weeks to complete depending on the amount of work that needs to be done for the reinstatement.
Moving to New Location May Require Time
Besides reinstatement, moving of machines, equipment and products to your new industrial space may also be necessary. Hence, besides reinstatement, you may also want to allocate enough time for moving and shifting of products and equipment. Staff may also need some time for the moving process.
Avoid Holding Over
In a case whereby the tenant fails to handover the premises back to the landlord on time and continues to occupy the premises even after the expiry of the lease, the landlord may sometimes charge double the rent for the period after the official lease expiry. Hence, you may want to avoid such a situation of holding over by having prior planning and allocating sufficient time.
Prior Planning
Since your company would be moving to a new premises from the existing one, prior planning may be required as you would also need time to renovate or fit out your new industrial space, move to the new industrial space and reinstate your existing premises to original condition. These may require time and hence having prior planning may be a good idea.