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Why Landlord & Tenant Relationship is Also Important Apart From Just Tenancy Agreement

Why Landlord & Tenant Relationship is Also Important Apart From Just Tenancy Agreement

While it is important to sign a tenancy agreement for any lease, it is also important to maintain a good landlord & tenant relationship throughout the entire lease term.

See The Bigger Picture & Look Long Term

The signing of the tenancy agreement usually happens before the start of the lease and this is just the very beginning as the lease term is usually for a long term period (i.e 3 years lease etc). If you were to look at the bigger picture, there is still a long period ahead and you may even want to subsequently renew the lease with the landlord. If the landlord & tenant relationship has all along been good, it is usually easier to communicate and get things done as there is already common understanding & mutual respect between both parties.

Although Contracts are Official Agreements

Although contracts are meant to be official agreements between both parties, a contract can usually only do so much as it is only a signed document whereas the relationship between the landlord and tenant is dependent on the relationship built between both parties over time.

Good Relationships Make Things Easier

As we know, good relationships usually help in any type of situations and things usually get done more easily. After all, isn’t it usually better when everyone is happy rather than unhappy? Probably no one likes to be unhappy and when everyone is happy, it is usually easier to discuss and communicate whether it is regarding lease renewal or other matters. In short, good relationships usually make things easier and less complicated.