What is CorpPass
CorpPass is an online government to business or G2B authentication method for companies to transact with government agencies online.
As more and more government agencies are using CorpPass, it is advisable for companies to sign up for CorpPass especially if your company’s nature of business requires you to frequently transact with Government Agencies.
With effect from the 3rd quarter of year 2018, the only login method for online corporate transactions with the government will be CorpPass. CorpPass replaces the previous login methods (i.e SingPass, E-services authorisation system or EASY etc.)
For instance, if you intend to apply for change of use for an industrial space to a a childcare, showroom or for limited and non-exclusive religious use, you may use your CorpPass to log into LicenceOne to apply.
You may also use CorpPass for application of other trade licenses or for filing of corporate taxes.
Who Should Use CorpPass
Local entities in Singapore with a UEN or Unique Entity Number as well as foreign entities without a local UEN will be required to use CorpPass. Local companies without a UEN may also obtain a Unique Entity Number from a UEN-issuance agency.
How Does CorpPass Benefit Businesses
Protection of Data
Previously, there were feedbacks from companies that SingPass should only be meant for personal and not corporate transactions, as there may be privacy issues. Take for example, if an employee goes on annual leave, he or she may have to disclose their SingPass identification details and password to their colleagues so that the colleagues standing in can still help to work on business transactions such as filing of tax, application of permits or for obtaining the relevant licences for the company.
By introducing CorpPass, there will be separate login identities when it comes to work and personal matters. This will better protect the data and information of companies as well as employees. CorpPass will be used for corporate matters while SingPass will be used for personal uses such as application of flats, checking of CPF balances, filing of personal taxes etc.
Greater Control for Companies
With the introduction of CorpPass, companies will have better control (i.e companies may assign CorpPass admins to manage other CorpPass Users’ access to the various online digital services.)
Improved Convenience
CorpPass enables companies to easily activate new accounts and manage access when a new employee joins the company.
How can Companies Get Started on CorpPass
To get started on CorpPass, businesses should identify their staff to undertake the roles of a Registered Officer (RO), CorpPass Admins, Sub-Admins, CorpPass Users and Enquiry Users. The Registered officer should be a person registered in ACRA or the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. CorpPass admins are appointed by the registered officer to be in charge of CorpPass matters and are capped at a maximum of two admins.
There are also videos, self-help guides and more information which can be found on the CorpPass website to guide on you how you can set up an account. You may also call the CorpPass hotline or email to the CorpPass support team if you require further assistance.
Source : CorpPass