In the market, we understand that many lack the experience and knowledge in marketing industrial properties.
IndustrialGuru.sg works with landlords and sellers who are looking for tenants or buyers for their industrial properties in Singapore.
IndustrialGuru.sg was also founded based on the values & beliefs that we can help sellers or landlords to look for suitable buyers or tenants by having the right industrial property knowledge, tools and experience.
Feel free to contact us and we will help you with the sourcing for the right tenant or buyer.

What We do
Sourcing can be a tedious task and also time consuming but you can now pass the task on to us and focus on your daily work and what you do best.
By having the right marketing strategies, knowledge and experience, we are able to help you to sell or rent your industrial properties.
Why not leave the task of advertising, showing and sealing the deal to us? You may even be able to free up your precious time for more important matters.
After all you have zero risk as you only pay when the deal is sealed.